Tag Archives: Intellectual Property Law Edmonton
Trademark vs Business Name: What Is The Difference?
Consulting a registered trademark agent can help you expedite the process and improve your chances
Trademark Registration: An Essential Step for Every Entrepreneur
As an entrepreneur, one of your goals is the advancement of your company from the
5 Tips To Avoid Copyright Infringement On Social Media
Social media is the use of websites, and applications to stay socially connected and to
5 Things To Do Before Registering For A Trademark
If you have been planning to register your brand name as a trademark, then here
Social Media Copyright Guidelines for Small Businesses
Small businesses should seek the advice of intellectual property lawyers in the event of a
Let’s Talk About Deepfake
The negative uses of deepfake technology, it is important that social media sites have stringent
Is Promotional Use Not Use Of A Trademark?
A complex case requires the expertise of trademark lawyers or agents who are well-versed with
How To Use Others’ Images In Your Marketing Efforts
You should consider speaking to an intellectual property lawyer or agent at a law firm
How To Protect Your IP In The Social Media Age
For more information on intellectual property law and its relevance to your organization, get in
How To Not Break The Law While Marketing Online
If you have used a third parties' IP in the form of images, text, symbols,
Four Canadian Patents That Made An Impact In The World
Have you ever thought about the origins of all the things that we use on
How Is The Copyright Law In Canada Benefiting The Music Industry?
The music industry in Canada, too, has been sailing through obstacles such as broadcasting issues,
Changes to Canadian Trademark Laws
These were some of the amendments made to the Trademarks Act of Canada. If you
Can Your Company’s Social Media Posts Be Infringing On Somebody’s IP?
Social media has presented companies with the opportunity to market and advertise their products and