Tag Archives: Lawyer edmonton divorce

Why You Need Help In Developing Your Company Policy

A company policy makes it easy for you to run the business. It can assist

New Rules For Exporting Produce To The US

The horticultural industry leaders of Canada are poring over documents that have been issued by

New Compliance Penalties For Employers

Canadian employers found violating the rules of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and International

How Do Royalties Work In Canada?

A royalty is a payment made to the owner of an asset, by a licensee.

Do I Need Bylaws For My Company?

They are the operational blueprint that ensure smooth functioning. Bylaws have no impact in the

Custody Modification Edmonton

Every part of Canada has its child custody provisions, each one attempting to make the

7 Things You Must Do Before Hiring An Employee

Conducting a reference check is one of the key aspects of assessing potential employees. It

3 Reasons Why Your Company Needs An IP Strategy

Licensing your intellectual property can become a source of income for your business. Without intellectual