Tag Archives: Law Firms Alberta

Why Do Some Companies Avoid Litigation?

Not all companies have a designated legal team at their disposal to fight their battles

When Is It Time To Get A Second Legal Opinion?

A quality law firm that is secure about its working wouldn't mind their client seeking

What Is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an alternative legal course to general litigation. Both small businesses

The Importance Of A Dispute Resolution Clause In An Agreement

The dispute resolution clause in a contract lays out a mechanism for the resolution of

Mining Violations in Canada

Canada's mining industry is so vast and far-reaching that certain violations of regulations are bound

Managing Sweat Equity in Your Enterprise

Prowse Chowne LLP's team consists of experienced Lawyers and Paralegals, who will work with you

Legal Benefits Of Maintaining An Eco-Friendly Business

Our Environmental Lawyer Consultation can help you understand the nuances of these legislations and develop

IP And Piracy – What’s The Latest In Canada?

This system involves tracking IP addresses of users accessing pirated content and sending them copyright

Insurance for Your Business – What’s Covered and What’s Not

Here you can get advice from an insurance broker who is familiar with your type

Import into Canada The Right Way

If you are planning to start an import business and would like to have a

Human Rights at Work

As a business owner, you set a precedent to how your employees will be treated.

How Do You Decide Which Law Firm To Apply To?

If you are looking for a reputed law firm in Alberta, then contact us. We

Getting An Annulment in Edmonton

An annulment is another thorough legal process much like a divorce, but it brings about

4 Situations When Litigation Is The Best Option

Consult an established law firm in Alberta before communicating with your legal opponent, court cases

Energy Laws in Canada

If you want to look for more information on Energy Laws in Canada, Prowsechowne LLP

Crops and law: The corporate food cycle

we will take a look at the farm business structure in Canada and try to

Big Data Legal Issues

The regulatory environment of Canada regarding privacy is very different from that of the United

Adding An Arbitration Clause In Your Contracts And Agreements

From drafting the arbitration clause to deciding on the rules to be included, you will

8 Acts and Regulations Affecting Oil Sands Industry in Alberta

The Environmental Protection and Enhancement act sets out the rules to support and promote protection.

6 Steps to Start a Charity

Prowse Chowne LLP is involved in not-for-profit corporation & charities as advisors and directors, being

5 Things to Know About Environmental Liability

Canada has a vast array of mineral and natural resources. There are various companies, which

4 Engineering Mishaps you Can Avoid

Disasters are prone to occurring the key to avoiding them is by designing systems in

3 Mining Trends for 2015 and Their Legal Implications

The new trends emerging in the mining sector in 2015 come with legal implications. Mostly,