Category Archives: Lawyer Edmonton

Is Your Property in the Path of LRT Expansion?

Are you worried about your property being affected by the Edmonton LRT Expansion? Prowse Chowne

7 Things you Should Include in an Employment Contract

If you are a new business seeking new hires, then these employment contract basics will

You Have Been Sued By Customer What To Do Next?

Most insurance policies require you to provide your insurance companies with a prompt notice related

Women’s Rights As An Employee In Ontario

The aggrieved employee can contact the Human Resources department of the respective company or firm

Why You Need Help In Developing Your Company Policy

A company policy makes it easy for you to run the business. It can assist

Why Should You Apply For An Industrial Design?

Many people are aware of copyrights, trademarks and patents. These form the major categories of

Why Mediation Is A Good Choice For Small Businesses

Prowse Chowne, a reputable law firm provides businesses access to other alternative dispute resolution methods

Why Have A Lawyer Negotiate Your Real Estate Contract?

Real estate transactions can be complex to understand and execute. Hiring legal counsel can ensure

Why did The CRA Knock on your Door?

The CRA is known to make comprehensive demands for documents and information to be made

Why Consider forming an LLC instead?

New business owners must be able to decide on the form and structure of business

Where To Find Employees For Your Business

Employees are every business' secret weapon to success. With the right employees, the business will

When Does A Small Business Need A Lawyer?

A start-up business required a business lawyer who can saves you from so many business

When Can you Sue an Organisation?

Suing is a very convoluted and complex area of law and proper consultation should be

What’s The Best Way To End A Business Partnership?

A business partnership is difficult to get through and there is always a chance that

What’s Changed Between Employers And Temporary Staffing Agencies?

The enactment of Bill 18 brought in the Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act,

What You Need To Know When Exiting Your Business

In the case of a corporation, it is vital that Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is

What You Can And Cannot Register As Trademark

The trademark law in Canada is in place to provide protection to marks under the

What You Become Because Of Business

Running your own business can be tough, some of the things that you become when

What To Expect From Your Business Lawyer

Seek their advice to help you through decision-making processes. There is a wealth of information

What to Do With an Employee Who is AWOL?

Managers and entrepreneurs have a hard time keeping track of employees and getting them to

What To Ask Yourself Before Hiring A Business Lawyer

Having a good lawyer to help you run your business will not only keep you

What To Ask A Potential Business Lawyer

Hiring a lawyer is like hiring any member of your business team. You want to

What Rights Do You Have As A Tenant In British Colombia?

The landlord must give a notice of ten days before evicting the tenant. If the

What Not To Expect From Free Legal Consultations

A free consultation is the first step towards a rewarding association between you and your

What It Means To Have A Real Estate Lawyer

The lawyer will spend his time talking with you and discussing the details on the

What is Medical Malpractice Insurance and How Can you Avail of it?

Medical malpractice insurance is a coverage that is applied when a certified medical practitioner is

What is Grant of Probate?

If the deceased has all the assets in his name, then the holder of the

What Is An Estate Plan?

Having an experienced legal team such as Prowse Chowne LLP at your side is also

What Is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an alternative legal course to general litigation. Both small businesses

What Is a Legal Nurse Consultant?

Legal nurse consultants (LNC) are medical professionals who are hired by consulting firms, government offices,